Renovating our space /

dib u hagaajinta xarunteenna

For many months, FANKEENNA's volunteers have dedicated their time and energy to renovate and prepare our space. Every room has been completely transformed with new paint, custom fixtures, furnishings and more. We are so grateful for the help and support from our volunteers and community during the renovation process. Without them, this transformation would not have been possible.


Tabaruceyaasha FANKEENNA waxay wakhtigooda iyo tamartooda u hureen dayactirka iyo diyaarinta goobteenna. Dhammaan qolalka waxaa lagu cusboonaysiiyay rinji , qalab iyo saabaan cusub. Aad ayaan uga mahadcelineynaa dhammaan taageerada ay mutadawiciinteenna na siiyeen. Iyaga la'aantood, isbeddelkani ma suuro-galeen. Runtii aad iyo aad ayaanu uga mahad naqaynaa dedaalka ay muujiyeen.